========================= VIOSO INTEGRATE CHANGELOG ========================= VIOSO Integrate 1.3.12 ========================================================================== Build: Download: https://download.vioso.com/releases/integrate/Setup_VIOSO_Integrate_1.3.12.9506.exe Released: 07/07/21 [NEW] MPCDI uses display names as region names [NEW] MPCDI option to match projector resolution as input RoI [NEW] updated vwfLoaderSample [NEW] option to merge abstract displays from different hosts to one file [NEW] set blend parameter by script [NEW] device parameter cache (everything is set like last time when doing a new calibration) [NEW] add button to switch canvas pan and grid move [ADD] ReTexture Tool to add or alter UV map as projected flat, cylinder, dome or equirectangular [FIX] MSVC redist is now silent [FIX] scanout calculation in NV without driver query [FIX] bad seam triangulation on Desktop Warp for 360° panorama [FIX] Barco WB / MIPS stop sending on def.txt [FIX] wrong angles in Content Spaces [FIX] dll entry missing on Windows 7 [FIX] scan pattern size not adjustable on 2716x1524 resolution [FIX] MPCDI region naming [FIX] MPCDI flags in scripting [FIX] scaling issue on MPCDI and PULSE export [FIX] jitter warp grid on PULSE / MPCDI forward and MIPS/WB [FIX] delete old files from export folder [FIX] out of range values when updating blend parameters VIOSO Integrate 1.3.11 skipped VIOSO Integrate 1.3.10 skipped VIOSO Integrate 1.3.9 skipped VIOSO Integrate 1.3.8 skipped VIOSO Integrate 1.3.7 skipped VIOSO Integrate 1.3.6 skipped VIOSO Integrate 1.3.5 skipped VIOSO Integrate 1.3.4 ========================================================================== Build: Download: https://download.vioso.com/releases/integrate/Setup_VIOSO_Integrate_1.3.4.8776.exe Released: 24/03/21 [NEW] arrow keys now move all points of warp grid, if none is selected [NEW] "NO Blacklevel" option on Export Dialog for backwards compatibility reasons [NEW] no blacklevel exported, if level is set to 0 [NEW] Conversion Task "Crop Display Geometry", to quickly reblend on wanted areas only. Uses an image file as input [NEW] Conversion Task "Crop Display Geometry with Projector Mask", to quickly reblend on wanted areas only. Uses currently set projector mask [FIX] Custom Content Space Conversion failed, when renamed camera was used [FIX] 3D control dialog Model dropdown disabled after playlist switch or deactivate/activate [FIX] Export: naming issue if "exact filename" is set VIOSO Integrate 1.3.1 ========================================================================== Build: Download: https://download.vioso.com/releases/integrate/Setup_VIOSO_Integrate_1.3.1.8739.exe Released: 26/01/21 [FIX] VC2019 redistibutables added to installer [FIX] abstract display configuration failed via wizard [ADD] abstract displays can now be used via NDI VIOSO Integrate 1.3.0 ========================================================================== Build: Download: https://download.vioso.com/releases/integrate/Setup_VIOSO_Integrate_1.3.0.8722.exe Released: 04/12/20 [NEW] common: new blacklevel adjustment method [NEW] common: integration of NDI API for usage as image source and target [NEW] common: import of yaml camera parameter files [NEW] common: new assimp API [NEW] common: new options to control the camera latency measurement [NEW] common: added new application log level [NEW] export: integration of the CalibData export format [NEW] conversion task to delete calibrations individually [NEW] conversion task to crop display geometry with a mask file [NEW] conversion task to crop display geometry with currently used display mask [NEW] conversion task to calculate the overlap area towards neighbour displays for each display individually [NEW] calib: new method to measure camera latency [UPD] common: new command to query the current desktop display configuration [UPD] common: integration of realtime compression for internal network communication to reduce network load [UPD] common: display split informations for client displays can be defined on master centrealized [UPD] common: culling on model rendering, when a used wall is behind camera [UPD] common: hiding of the taskbar when creating a visible fullscreen output window on a display with taskbar [UPD] common: 3D-model importer extend by the ability of individual submesh texture coordinate transformation [UPD] common: Integrate/ AutoCal versions having playlist button if license permits [UPD] common: changed AA border behaviour [UPD] common: supercompound based multi client calibrations will be saved on all clients clients now, if it is saved on master [UPD] export: display masks will be applied to P2C during export for all mapping kinds now [UPD] export: ability of stitching of abstract displays if they are part of a splitted display [UPD] MRD: quality of rendered content image is adjustable now [UPD] MRD: camera resolution was disabled in modal dialog mode [UPD] calib: integration of expert options for the bubble mesh manipulation calibration step [UPD] calib: brightness, threshold and bubble inspect dialog show informations about used camera [UPD] calib: displays can be renamed during calibration process [UPD] calib: integration of quality measurement for camera streams to detect problems in camera driver [UPD] calib: extend of app log to identify possible problems during bubble detection [UPD] calib: none black background for white blocks test pattern to improve the detection quality [UPD] calib: changed sort order for camera mode list, gray modes are prefered now [UPD] calib: changed sort order for camera mode list, gray modes are prefered now [FIX] common: updated help system, links now to helpdesk.vioso.com [FIX] common: Nvidia display IDs were wrong on sub-splits [FIX] common: implementation of workaround for Win10 output transparency problem without performance loss [FIX] common: the on projector identification string was on wrong place on NDI output [FIX] common: range of camera latency factor option was extended to 1000% [FIX] common: showing the calibration information dialog each time a sps is loaded [FIX] export: BARCO Pulse grid extrapolation [FIX] export: fixes on MPCDI [FIX] export: fixes on exports without blending [FIX] MRD: camera orientation angle calculation [FIX] MRD: missed values and not always showing close button [FIX] calib: calibration process doesn't abort completely now, if an unrecoverable error occured [FIX] calib: overlapped based blacklevel compensation is persistent now during camera based recalibration and blending recalculation [FIX] calib: manual increasing/decreasing count for overlapped based blacklevel compensation should be persistent during subsequent new projector overlap calculation VIOSO Integrate 1.1.7 ========================================================================== Build: Download: https://download.vioso.com/releases/integrate/Setup_VIOSO_Integrate_1.1.7.8482.exe Released: 06/10/20 [NEW] Rename displays on calibration [NEW] Camera name shown in calibration info [NEW] Run script from menu [NEW] Bit-depth selector for blend maps in MPCDI export [FIX] Export dialog centered above app VIOSO Integrate 1.1.3 ========================================================================== Build: Download: https://download.vioso.com/releases/integrate/Setup_VIOSO_Integrate_1.1.3.8188.exe Released: 03/10/20 [NEW] Separate Blend for Color channels [NEW] NewTek® NDI network camera support [FIX] no overlap applied, if only vertical is set [FIX] numerous small bugfixes and wordings VIOSO Integrate 1.0.3 ========================================================================== Build: Download: https://download.vioso.com/releases/integrate/Setup_VIOSO_Integrate_1.0.3.7397.exe Released: 07/02/20 Initial Release [NEW] VIOSO Core calibration functionality for many third party applications [NEW] 2d based screen & content mapping [NEW] cylindrical panoramas with fisheye cameras [NEW] provides all available export formats